Hometown: Durham, NC (boyhood); Cary, NC (nowhood)
Undergrad: NC State University–B.S. Civil Engineering, B.S. Economics
M.S.: NC State University–Biological & Agricultural Engineering, advisor: Skaggs
PhD: Penn State University–Agricultural & Biological Engineering, advisor: Jarrett
Seriously: I function as the leader of the Stormwater Engineering Group, with a focus on Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure. I have co-authored more than 130 peer-refereed journal articles, two books, and many extension publications. As a team, we have designed and/or monitored more than 250 stormwater control measures. Every year I conduct 20-25 workshops in North Carolina, the US, and abroad. I teach a variety of classes including: Introduction to Engineering (E101), Grand Challenges of Engineering (E102), Ecological Engineering (BAE474), and Design of Stormwater Control Measures (BAE 575). My newest endeavor is a study abroad course entitled: Engineering in the Roman Times (BAE 495).
Interesting things: I love people and sharing a good laugh. Wolfpack sports are both a blessing and a bane, but such is life for a fan of the underdog. Traveling and my five kids bring me my greatest joys in life.